How dental bonding and contouring can give you a perfect smile

By Family Dentistry & Aesthetics Inc.

Fort Wayne gum contouring patient Are you embarrassed to smile because of your teeth? Do you think twice before opening your mouth in front of people? If yes, you are not alone. It’s a common problem many people go through. It is usually a chipped tooth or a gap in between teeth that can spoil a pretty face’s smile. While it is indeed a problem, it is not something some dental bonding and contouring can’t resolve!

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Yes, it is not only crowns and veneers that help improve smiles. Dental bonding and contouring is another minimally invasive procedure that rectifies minor issues with teeth.

Call Family Dentistry & Aesthetics today at (260) 432-0561 to schedule an appointment.

What exactly is dental bonding?

Well, it is the process where the same composite resin used for filling cavities is used in cosmetic dentistry. Your Fort Wayne dentist applies it and to mask your tooth’s problem areas.

The resin is even first tinted so that it perfectly matches your tooth’s shade before application. It ensures it blends in well to give your dream smile.

Next, the bonding resin is shaped and hardened into position using a dental light. Your dentist generally takes about half an hour to an hour to improve one tooth’s shape, color, and size.

The contouring process

Contouring involves your dentist painlessly improving one or two teeth’s shape or size by removing some enamel. Bonding and contouring are two complementary dental procedures. They are usually done together to rectify your teeth and improve your smile.

Difference between dental bonding and other similar cosmetic procedures

You may now wonder what the difference between veneers, contours and dental bonding and contouring is. It is your tooth condition which decides which the better procedure is.

Dental bonding is a better option when your natural teeth are in good shape. It’s perfect if your teeth need only a little rectification to create a proportional smile. Veneers and crowns are generally used to treat badly decayed teeth which can be saved.

Dental problems dental bonding and contouring addresses

Dental bonding is ideal for dealing with minor tooth imperfections. Bonding can address gaps in between tips and small chips, cracks, and discoloration.

Contouring is perfect for rectifying slightly overlapping teeth and for smoothening pointy, or uneven teeth.

What can dental bonding and contouring do to your teeth?

Bonding adds volume or shape teeth.

An additive procedure, dental bonding adds a little volume or shape to your existing tooth. It’s also perfect for smoothening out jagged edges and adding volume to teeth smaller than surrounding teeth.

It also shrinks gaps between teeth and improves stained, chipped, and lightly cracked teeth.

Contouring shapes existing dental enamel

Sometimes your teeth may not need added volume or shape.

All it needs is a little contouring to shape the enamel and create a more appealing appearance. It’s perfect for rounding off sharp edges, and slightly reducing the tooth length while our tooth remains safe and healthy.

Bonding and contouring together create an ideal smile.

Bonding and contouring are ideal for giving you a perfect smile. It can be paired with other dental procedures like teeth whitening to adjust your smile.

Your dentist is the best person to decide on the best cosmetic treatment based on your teeth’ health.

With your smile having a significant influence on your confidence and self-esteem, it is worth working on getting a beautiful smile. You need not always resort to the more expensive and extensive options like veneers and crowns.

Your dentist is the best person to decide if dental bonding and contouring are enough to help give you your coveted smile.

Call our Fort Wayne dental office at (260) 432-0561 today for an appointment!

Call Our Office Today at (260) 432-0561

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