Does Invisalign Work? The Truth About Clear Aligners In Fort Wayne

By Family Dentistry & Aesthetics Inc.

Invisalign brought about a revolution in the field of orthodontics by changing the way teeth alignment treatment is done. It makes the process safer and more comfortable because it follows the shape of your teeth. Smiling is an important aspect of your life, so if you have a distorted smile, then it can affect your confidence level. Invisalign is an innovation in the field of dental science that can bring the smile of your dreams. In this comprehensive blog, we will discuss the journey of Invisalign treatment and its side effects.

What Is Invisalign? Understand The Metrics And Mechanics

Invisalign aligners are also known as clear aligners because they are invisible to others. The procedure consists of a series of aligners, which are changed in 2 weeks. These are custom-made according to the structure of your teeth, and the material is low molecular weight thermoplastic. Invisalign doesn’t consist of any wires like the traditional metal braces, so there is no chance of mouth injury. Hence, you can get a seamless and attractive smile. 

Invisalign puts a mild pressure on your teeth, which pushes it inwards. Continuous replacement continuously changes the amount of pressure on your teeth and their structure. Your dentist in Fort Wayne, IN, will always monitor the changes in your teeth structure. The overall time that is needed for a proper alignment is 12 to 18 months for Invisalign users.  

Invisible Aligners: Understand The Working

Clear aligners work through a simple concept of applying mild force. 3D imaging technology is utilized in manufacturing these custom-made aligners. With the change of aligners, your teeth get shifted and come to proper alignment. Hence, you can get a proper smile at a convenient time. 

Invisalign is a versatile object because it addresses many problems at a time, from misalignment to overcrowding of teeth. This is also capable of handling complex issues because it is custom-made by studying the structure of your teeth properly. 

Right Or Not? Know The Side Effects

Every object or treatment in dental science has some side effects, and so does Invisalign in Fort Wayne, IN. Although it is a convenient process, you can expect some discomfort from the treatment procedure. This discomfort increases mainly when the aligners are changed in two weeks. You can expect it at maximum while the aligners are changed, but gradually, it gets decreased.  

You can face some temporary changes in your speech when you get the clear aligners. These aligners change the natural presence of your mouth, and hence, you can face some difficulty in speaking. With regular practice and patience, you can achieve normal speech. 

Dental Hygiene is the primary factor that should be taken into consideration while undergoing Invisalign treatment. If you are not maintaining proper Hygiene, then you are at potential risk of developing dental issues like periodontal disease and gum gingivitis. Moreover, you should clean your aligners regularly to avoid discoloration. 

Want A Blooming Smile? Find Your Dentist

If you are looking for an Invisalign treatment, then you should find a trusted, efficient, and reliable source. Your dentist should follow all the treatment and hygienic steps to recreate your happy smile. You should choose a reputed dental office where you can get a personalized treatment that is unique to you.

You should select your dentist wisely because your smile is the most precious one. Smiling changes your image of the outer world so that a foul smile can change it all over. So, schedule your appointment with your trusted dentist and address your concerns freely to them. Frame your roadmap towards a perfect smile and get the radiance and attractiveness that you deserve. 

Invisalign provides a different and effective way to change your smile. If you are using clear aligners, then you should know their working mechanism and the problems that can occur. Clear aligners are a comfortable way to reach your smile goals and gather confidence, so get the smile of your dreams with Invisalign.

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By Family Dentistry & Aesthetics Inc.
By Family Dentistry & Aesthetics Inc.