Can I remove my wisdom teeth without anesthesia?

By Family Dentistry & Aesthetics Inc.

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Local anesthesia is an excellent option to control pain and discomforts during wisdom tooth extraction. However, this choice could be unsuitable for you, especially if you have other health concerns like allergies. This makes you wonder if you could undergo the procedure without any anesthesia. You may also think that local anesthesia is insufficient, and you want to stay completely unconscious throughout the procedure. You thus have to know the choices sedation dentistry offers for wisdom tooth extraction. This article clearly explains each option to help you select the best one that fits your needs.

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Overview of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are the last four molars located in the mouth’s back area, and they usually erupt when a person reaches 17 to 25 years old. The problem with wisdom teeth is that the cramped space at the back of the mouth gives them little room to grow. And in cases of impacted wisdom teeth, they grow and get entrapped underneath the gums and jawbones.

Wisdom teeth usually cause pain, irritation, swelling, and infection.

A dentist could remove an exposed wisdom tooth through a regular extraction. It’s even easier to remove as wisdom teeth usually have smaller root systems than other back teeth. However, they may need to cut gum tissues and jawbones to extract an impacted wisdom tooth.

Thus, it’s crucial to select the correct sedation option depending on the procedure.

Sedation for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

There are three sedation dentistry options for wisdom tooth extraction. Consult the dental office for the best choice according to your situation.

1. Local anesthesia

This option involves numbing only the area of the problem tooth. The dental specialist will apply a topical cream and inject local anesthesia for a painless procedure.

It’s suitable for simple tooth extraction as you will remain awake throughout the procedure. However, you will feel certain pressure as the specialist extracts your tooth.

2. General anesthesia

This choice is a better option for impacted wisdom tooth extraction or if you suffer from dental anxiety. It involves intravenous sedation that makes you completely unconscious throughout the procedure.

However, you have to undergo a few medical exams to ensure that it is safe for you. A medical team will also monitor your body while unconscious to avoid health problems, making it rather expensive.

3. Relative Analgesia

Relative analgesia or sedation involves a particular medication that induces calmness and relaxation. It’s perfect for minimizing dental anxiety without inducing complete unconsciousness.

It significantly reduces dental anxiety or nervousness while remaining responsive throughout the procedure.

Get the Best Sedation Dentistry Option for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Your dentist usually recommends using local anesthesia for numbing the accurate area of the wisdom tooth extraction. However, you may choose other options depending on various factors, like your age, health condition, and if you have an exposed or impacted wisdom tooth.

Visit the dental office right away to know the best choice for your case.

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